Mallarmé and the «center of vibratory suspension» – The case of Mallarmé. Draft (Rambling Propositions XXIX-XXX)
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How to Cite

Richir, M., & Alvarado Cabellos, Ángel. (2024). Mallarmé and the «center of vibratory suspension» – The case of Mallarmé. Draft (Rambling Propositions XXIX-XXX). Eikasía Revista De Filosofía, (122), 251–278.


The following text consists of propositions XXIX and XXX of the posthumous work Propositions buissonières (2016). It addresses Mallarmé’s theory of poetic creation in terms of a vibratory epoché of language, which suspends the signifying function of words, in order to reveal them in their «flickering», that is, in a mobility of meaning in its becoming that leads them to vibrate between the appearance of nothingness and the simulacrum of being, a vibration that doesn’t constitute a presence, but is itself the resonance of the eco of the Cartesian instant as a «differential lag». Nevertheless, such resonance could lead the poet to disregard the unbridgeable hiatus between languages and language, that is, to think that he could attain a sort of absolute language or «poem». The consequence of such a position is twofold: either one pretends to write such an absolute «poem», thereby placing oneself in the position of a thought that thinks itself; or one rejects the possibility of even conceiving such an absolute transcendence, whereby poetic creation assumes its condition of being a mere «simulacrum» or a «throw of dice».
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