On pleasure: The Reading of Filebo. Hedoné versus Phrónesis
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límite Pleasure

How to Cite

Sánchez Corredera, S. (2007). On pleasure: The Reading of Filebo. Hedoné versus Phrónesis. Eikasía Revista De Filosofía, (12), 137–167. https://doi.org/10.57027/eikasia.12.516


The present article arises from a reading of Filebo. It intends to clarify the Plato’s Theory of Pleasure. In this work, written in his old-age, we observe that Plato does not offer us an argument that is organised on one level, but that it is divided into four large acts that we have differentiated. The first act contemplates the thesis of the value of pleasure (hedoné) against that of Socrates theory of «the life of knowledge». Socrates believes in a value which is superior to that of pleasure, and at times is against it. This antagonism is quickly stopped and Socrates proposes that good searched for in life should come from a third alternative which is a combination of the two antagonistic components. This gives way to the keys that explain the composition of this combination of the ideal mixture of pleasure and knowledge. In the end, Plato gives us a hierarchy of values which is none other than his mature proposal about the good life and the place that pleasure should occupy in it.

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