The Constitution of Molecular Biology as a Science
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Proyecto Genoma Humano
biología molecular
contexto histórico determinante
historia de la biología
filosofía de la biología Human Genome Project
Molecular biology
Determining historical context
History of biology
Philosophy of biology

How to Cite

Infiesta Molleda, P. (2012). The Constitution of Molecular Biology as a Science. Eikasía Revista De Filosofía, (42), 45–57.


The scientific dimension of the Human Genome Project (HGP) refers to a set of entities of a biological order: nitrogenous bases, genes, enzymes, SNP's1, etc., on which the technological operations that give rise to the sequencing of the genome are exercised. . A closer examination shows that all the bodies, morphologies and structures that are a constituent part of the HMP can be circumscribed to the field of molecular biology, with which they are logically given on the same scale. This first assumption, which will have to be verified in the subsequent reconstruction, allows us to return to the course of the constitution of molecular biology, as a factor in the determining historical context of the HMP, without having to go back to previous processes in the history of biology to give reason for the conformation and connection of the strokes that are part of the reference figure.
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