Judgment Critique. Interdisciplinary study or Morality without Concept II
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Principio reflexivo de finalidad de la naturaleza
percepción inconsciente
estructuras disipativas
ontología del devenir
disposición. (das Gessinung). Reflective principle of the purposiveness of nature
unconscious awareness
dissipative structures
ontology of becoming
disposition (das Gessinung)

How to Cite

Colón Rodríguez, I. (2021). Judgment Critique. Interdisciplinary study or Morality without Concept II. Eikasía Revista De Filosofía, (101), 71–130. https://doi.org/10.57027/eikasia.101.116


We have to understand that the sudden changes of all types that are affecting us globally, show clearly that strictly rational models are incapable of answering the complexities of this world. But we have also to understand that models that are not purely rational have been difficult to read and have been poorly accepted.. I think this is the case of the Critique of Judgement. The lack of sensibility in regard to the appreciation of this work can be due to the fact that it has been regarded im our time, as the archetypical work of postmodernism, revealing the internal contradictions towards all ideas of knowledge, rationality and art...“It is no longer the paradigm of classicism, nor of formalism, The last of the trio of the three great Critiques has become, all of a sudden, the symbol of deconstructionism.” We have also to consider this work, as the axis of the kantian system, a model for complex systems. So, after we show I- the discrepancies of Bauman in relation to the Critique of Judgement, we will also show II- the correspondance of this work with the axioms of postmodernism and III- with complex systems. We will contnue IV- with a projct of rehabilitation of the Critique of Judgement and V- in ‘projections about the present , we will expose Bauman`s and Jonas’ thought highlightening that it is not the future, but the present of the global conditions of human life and the existence of the human species what is in imminent danger. Jonas’ metaphysics of morality, applied to a ‘Morality without Concept’, closes the circle of the new morality we propose, We include an appendix about the highest good.
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