The Physiocracy, an economy founded on nature
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economía política
ecofeminismo Physiocracy
Political Economy

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Rúa Zarauza, B. (2024). The Physiocracy, an economy founded on nature: theoretical assumptions in line with agroecological and ecofeminist approaches of the present. Eikasía Revista De Filosofía, (121), 15–37.


This text raises the analysis of physiocracy, the political economy movement directed on the rural world that emerged in France in the middle of the 18th century. For this, we have focused on the works and publications of economists, specialists in the history of economics, the history of economic thought, and political economy. The existing bibliography is too much large, particularly in the context of an article. However, in the sources analysed there are certain coincidences to which we remit Without wishing to exhaustivity, a general approach to physiocracy is presented, the first theory of technical-scientific economics itself, which includes elements and concepts that are part of the economy such as the notion of net product, freedom of trade (laissez-faire), taxation, the single tax, capital investment, the economic circuit, etc. Furthermore, some of the theoretical assumptions of physiocracy as a political economy are highlighted with respect to the agroecological and ecofeminist concerns of the present, specifically the enhancement of primary production and the agrarian economy.
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