Artificial Intelligence and its impact on the smart world of work
Ara Fortuna Balnearia, hallada en el barrio de La Mortera en Tremañes (Gijón)
pdf (Español (España))


inteligencia artificial
aprendizaje automático
fábrica inteligente
nuevos empleos
necesidad de formación en IA Artificial Intelligence
Machine learning
Smart factory
New jobs
Need for AI training

How to Cite

Bocîi, L.-S., & Ursua, N. (2023). Artificial Intelligence and its impact on the smart world of work. Eikasía Revista De Filosofía, (118), 247–269.


This essay analyzes the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the recent appearance of ChatGPT-4 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) in the world of work. This impact is also having an impact on people's self-esteem as they are replaced by robots, although this new revolution is also creating the opportunity for new jobs and boosting creativity. Privacy can be compromised by the large collection of personal data that these devices store. At the end of this essay, some proposals are presented to improve inclusive prosperity and the need for good training in AI.
pdf (Español (España))


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