Thinking in terms of complementarity
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Niels Bohr Complementarity
Quantum postulate
Final synthesis
Niels Bohr

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Pinillos Fuentes, A. (2024). Thinking in terms of complementarity: with modernity, towards postmodernity. Eikasía Revista De Filosofía, (122), 101–135.


Niels Borh created the idea of complementarity because he was faced, due to the quantum postulate, with heterogeneous representations that don´t reach final synthesis. Modernity was characterized by its totalizing reason. Nowadays, the crisis of modernity impels us to give way to the difference, which expresses the plurivocity of human experience. Complementarity presents itself as a suitable paradigm of thought to respond, without losing the achievements of modernity, to postmodern demands. Here are some ideas that help to define and extend it.
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