Identity of indiscernibilia and bosonic exchange symmetry
Ara Fortuna Balnearia, hallada en el barrio de La Mortera en Tremañes (Gijón)
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función de onda
simetría Identity
Wave function

How to Cite

Llamas Roig, V. (2023). Identity of indiscernibilia and bosonic exchange symmetry. Eikasía Revista De Filosofía, (118), 87–108.


New excursus of the Leibnizian problem of indiscernibilia in a quantum context. The symmetry by exchange of the quantum mechanical wave function emerges as a relational property of disposition that frames the question in the epistemological field. The essay proposes a dual solution for identity in monadic and noumenal universes, on the metaphysical hypotheses of an absolute or substantive space-time.
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