Building a beginning
Ara Fortuna Balnearia, hallada en el barrio de La Mortera en Tremañes (Gijón)
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filosofía de la arquitectura
teoría de la arquitectura
filosofía política
mundo de la vida
sentido fundamental
experiencia Philosophy of architecture
Architectural theory
Political philosophy
World of life
Fundamental meaning

How to Cite

Schwarte, L., & Ávalos, B. (2023). Building a beginning: Prospect for the philosophy of architecture. Eikasía Revista De Filosofía, (118), 207–229.


Ludger Schwarte (Münster, 1965) is a professor of philosophy at the Kunstakademie in Düsseldorf. He is widely considered one of the most important representatives of the philosophy of architecture, a discipline that has been developing rapidly in the last two decades and whose relevance is increasingly increasing. In his monumental book Philosophie der Architektur (2009), he develops a political ―and not merely aesthetic or symbolic― philosophy of architecture. Its original approach consists of understanding architecture, first of all, as the construction of possibilities, that is, in its capacity to establish, define or mobilize the foundations of the «world of life» in force in each case through the production of spaces, temporal records and means of interaction that determine our experience. In this sense, for Schwarte the philosophy of architecture has a fundamental importance to the extent that it helps to trace the genesis of a kind of «fundamental meaning» that constitutes the common root of forms of life and linguistic orders. This article, the first translation of the German author into Spanish, offers a synthesis of his project for a philosophy of architecture.
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