The idea of techno-scientific convergence
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empirismo lógico Convergence
Logical Empiricism

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Miranda Suárez, M. J. (2005). The idea of techno-scientific convergence: economism versus axiology. Eikasía Revista De Filosofía, (1).


Convergence is one of the most widespread thoughts in current technoscientific language. Apart from its importance in european political organization, it is a key concept when talking about financing researches included in the framework of what it is known as Converging Technologies or NBCI (nano-bio-cogno-info-technologies). Due to its spreading use, we will aim at analysing its own axiological slants. This research becomes more interesting when taking into account the importance of convergence in the current analysis of the new production of technoscientific knowledge (Gibbons, Nowotny, Funtowicz…) and the economic turn this analysis has undergone in the last years.
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