Philosophical and social ideas around globalization
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fin de la historia
desarrollo Globalization
End of story

How to Cite

Morla, R. (2005). Philosophical and social ideas around globalization. Eikasía Revista De Filosofía.


There are the most diverse concepts to qualify the world today: knowledge society, post-industrialism, globalization and globalization. These concepts are associated with movements and intellectual perceptions that are produced in the context of a certain form of social organization ―which some continue to call modern, and others, postmodern. Beyond this, current human existence is characterized by change (with its uncertainties and risks) and inequalities, so that the concept of globalization has been seen as a euphemism for capitalism. And so, some understand that it is better to speak of globalization, because it would come to express the very process of economic, political, social and cultural integration that the world has been experiencing, particularly since the discovery of America.
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