The hedgehog, that antediluvian animal
Alivio votivo para la cura de una pierna mala, con una inscripción que lo dedica a Asclepio e Hygeia. Encontrado en 1828, en el mismo santuario en Milos (Mar Egeo). Año 100 al 200. British Museum
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Jacques Derrida
Maurice Blanchot
animalidad Jacques Derrida
Maurice Blanchot

How to Cite

Sorin, A. (2019). The hedgehog, that antediluvian animal: Non-anthropic poetry between Blanchot and Derrida. Eikasía Revista De Filosofía, (90), 27–52.


This paper aims to explore the possible links between poetry and non-anthropic thinking based on the philosophies of Jacques Derrida and Maurice Blanchot. Its analysis will start from The animal that therefore I am (that says that animal thinking, if it exists, depends on poetry) and will continue with a series of Blanchotian texts, particularly with «Literature and the right to death». From there, the distinction between ordinary language and literary language will be particularly useful. This will imply reviewing the nomination as conceptualizing operation and will lead to reflect on the status of death that occurs in language (of what exists, but also of the author) and to ask about the materiality of words. As it hopes to show, one can see in these analyzes about language a contamination between logic and poetry, and this allows reconfiguring the relationship between the human and the rest of the living beings. Finally, the work interrogate what future thought and philosophy may have after such analyzes and proposes a possible path.
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