Analogization and Analogue: Fink y Husserl
Alivio votivo para la cura de una pierna mala, con una inscripción que lo dedica a Asclepio e Hygeia. Encontrado en 1828, en el mismo santuario en Milos (Mar Egeo). Año 100 al 200. British Museum
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Edmund Husserl
Eugen Fink
analogización Edmund Husserl
Eugen Fink

How to Cite

Cárdenas Mejía, L. G. (2019). Analogization and Analogue: Fink y Husserl. Eikasía Revista De Filosofía, (90), 9–26.


This article focuses on the sections where both Husserl in the «Fifth Meditation» and Fink in the «Sixth Meditation» had recourse to analogy. On the one side, Husserl in his endeavour to carry out a phenomenological exposition with what he announced to be the «alter ego». On the other side, Fink in his depiction of a transcendental theory of the phenomenological method. All this with the aim of putting under scrutiny the scope of analogy in each of these enquiries. I establish that whereas in Fink analogy turns operational ―hence the term analogization; in Husserl, in contrast, analogy is the analogue, therefore, constitutive.
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