The nameless female: an analytical approach to the conflict between feminism and transactivism
Cartel del VII Congreso de la SAF. Imagen cedida por Natalia Pastor
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identidad de género
John Searle Sex
Gender Identity
John Searle

How to Cite

Segura Guiscafré, J. M. (2023). The nameless female: an analytical approach to the conflict between feminism and transactivism. Eikasía Revista De Filosofía, (114), 229–259.


The controversy between feminism and transactivism has been occupying headlines, articles, debates, etc. for some time. This paper attempts to clarify some of the conceptual problems underlying the conflict. To begin with, the concepts of «sex», «gender» and «gender identity» are addressed using the conceptual apparatus coming from the social ontology presented by John Searle. Next, considering the convenience of having terms to refer unequivocally to people of one sex and another, different meanings of «woman» are contrasted. The discussion of these notions will allow us to address the fundamental political question of whether gender categories are an instrument of oppression to be abolished or, on the contrary, an identity to be vindicated; as well as a question of a more legal nature, such as what the categories «man» and «woman» contained in laws and official documents should be used for.
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