A look at obstetric violence: on the relationship subject-body and society-bodies
Cartel del VII Congreso de la SAF. Imagen cedida por Natalia Pastor
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violencia obstétrica
dualismo Obstetric Violence

How to Cite

Martínez Suárez, A. (2023). A look at obstetric violence: on the relationship subject-body and society-bodies. Eikasía Revista De Filosofía, (114), 167–183. https://doi.org/10.57027/eikasia.114.586


This article aims to analyse the phenomenon of obstetric violence from our modern societies' context, putting the spotlight on the relationships that individuals and the aforementioned societies establish with the human bodies. To accomplish this task, I’m going to use the tools offered by the philosophy, the bioethics and the anthropology (both positive and negative) for the genesis and the nowadays persistence of the obstetric violence cannot be reduced to the medial context: it is needed to take in account its historic-cultural dimensions as well as the gender inequalities dimensions.

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