Critic and constructive horizons in Luce Irigaray’s thinking: Notes for an interpretation of Speculum: de l’autre femme
Cartel del VII Congreso de la SAF. Imagen cedida por Natalia Pastor
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Luce Irigaray
diferencia sexuada
speculum mundi
derrocamiento Luce Irigaray
Sexuate Difference
Speculum Mundi

How to Cite

Ugalde Guajardo, A. (2023). Critic and constructive horizons in Luce Irigaray’s thinking: Notes for an interpretation of Speculum: de l’autre femme. Eikasía Revista De Filosofía, (114), 149–165.


The publication of Speculum: de l'autre femme in 1974, by the philosopher, Luce Irigaray, produced an unusual stir, expressed in how the work was received and in the author's trajectory. Its resonances, still present today, are related to the forcefulness of her critical spirit, the playful and at times hermetic style of her writing, and the philosophical depth of the interlocutors Irigaray summons to appear in this unusual scene of scriptural experimentation.

The author has pointed out that her trajectory of thought responds to the dynamics of critical and constructive elements. If we follow this reading key, Speculum can be read as an exercise of thought that takes place in the background of a tension between, on the one hand, critical interventions to the Western philosophical canon and psychoanalytic discourse, and on the other, the need to think about the conditions for transforming an entire culture. In what follows, I would like to explore this reading key, proposing some conceptual tools.
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