From Helena to Pandora. Women and Femininity in Homer and Hesiod
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sociedades patriarcales Homer
Patriarchal societies

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Secades Fonseca, M. (2023). From Helena to Pandora. Women and Femininity in Homer and Hesiod. Eikasía Revista De Filosofía, (114), 85–107.


This article takes as its backdrop the poems attributed to Homer and those of Hesiod and is particularly interested in the female characters represented in them, as well as in the valuation of femininity or those characteristics considered to be typical of women and which are defined in contrast to the masculine. To this end, this analysis makes use of the gender perspective. Using this hermeneutic tool, the complex landscape of cultural constructions and mental representations will be explored in depth.

The sources of analysis are Iliad, Odyssey, Theogony and Works and Days, all of which are of particular significance for Hellenic culture and which will also greatly influence Western thought. Although there are common elements, each of them has its own particularities. For this reason, even when dealing with compositions that can be attributed to the same author and dated within the same time frame, they will not be subjected to criticism as a whole. The aim is to determine, on the one hand, whether the ideas under analysis change and, on the other, and if this happens, to determine how.
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