Cannibal Feminism or Who does not listen here?
Cartel del VII Congreso de la SAF. Imagen cedida por Natalia Pastor
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ontología política
tecnología de la otredad
feminismo caníbal
comunidad Subjectivity
Political ontology
Otherness technology
Cannibal feminism

How to Cite

Morales Saro, C. (2023). Cannibal Feminism or Who does not listen here?. Eikasía Revista De Filosofía, (114), 75–84.


Becoming a feminist, what does it mean? In this article I try to analyze feminism as a process of subjectivity. To articulate the issue, I present Oswald de Andrade's manifesto and the figure of the cannibal, drawing a parallel between the decolonial response and feminist one against the Eurocentric political ontology, meaning the way in which we understand otherness since Aristotle.

The construction of the others than I as monsters represents a specific device of subjectivation that we could disactivate. Doing that needs to counteract the formation of the One in one's own subjectivity and make room for others in oneself. Andrade's poetic approach allows a political thought of the community within the subject itself, weakening the normative dualism between individual and society, between One and others of the metaphysical tradition. The thesis here is that a cannibal feminism is called to developing a different way of making ownselves and community.
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Andrade, Oswald de (2015), «Manifiesto de la poesía Pau-Brasil», en Vanguardia Latinoamericana, tomo VI. Madrid/Frankfurt A. M., Iberoamericana/Vervuert.

Andrade, Oswald de (2015), «Manifiesto antropófago», en Vanguardia Latinoamericana, tomo VI. Madrid/Frankfurt A. M., Iberoamericana/Vervuert.

Aristóteles (1995), Física. Madrid, Gredos.

Bourdieu, Pierre (2001), La dominación masculina. Barcelona, Anagrama.

Constitución de la República del Ecuador (2018). Montecristi.

Viveiros de Castro, Eduardo (2010), Metafísicas caníbales: líneas de antropología postestructural. Madrid, Katz.

Wittig, Monique (1992), El pensamiento heterosexual y otros ensayos. Madrid, Egales.

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