The interpretation of inceptual thinking in Heidegger’s history of Being
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historia del Ser
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Martin Heidegger History of Being
Inceptual thinking
Martin Heidegger

How to Cite

Córdoba Ospina, G. (2020). The interpretation of inceptual thinking in Heidegger’s history of Being. Eikasía Revista De Filosofía, (91), 127–141.


The present paper exposes what Martin Heidegger named «inceptual thinking» and the interpretative conditions that conduct it, and so thinking about the historical place of the question about «us», who think. At first time, we research the signification of «inceptual thinking», in the first and the other beginning. We take it as a thinking that projects being and in which who thinks is at the same time projected to a question about himself. In a second moment we expose the possible assumptions of this inceptual thinking interpretation, what directly connects with Heidegger’s projection of historical thinking in the question about us, which is every time more pressing. In this way we ask for our particularity in this projection of such inceptual thinking.
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