Plato of Athens: life and main ideas
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origen de la filosofía
filosofía occidental
historia de la filosofía Plato
Origin of Philosophy
Western Philosophy
History of Philosophy

How to Cite

Morla, R. (2007). Plato of Athens: life and main ideas. Eikasía Revista De Filosofía, (12), 17–38.


Plato of Athens, undoubtedly one of the great teachers of the West, and probably the true founder of philosophy. His ideas found an echo in his disciples, especially Aristotle, who despite having formed a new school, and having expressed some critical judgment, was a great Platonist. Plato's influence is felt throughout the Middle Ages and Modernity, and even contemporary philosophy is compelled to retrace its steps, in order to correctly situate its themes and problems.

Imbued with a feeling of respect for Plato's work, I visited most of his dialogues, and consulted part of the reception made to Plato's work, in order to forge as complete an idea as possible of Plato's life, work and ideas. Athenian philosopher, disciple of Socrates, who bequeathed to the West the first great philosophical system. Here is the result for the readers to judge.
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Fraile, Guillermo (1997), Historia de la filosofía, tomo I. Madrid, BAC.

Jaeger, Werner (1995), Paideia. México, FCE.

Platón (1998), La república o el Estado. Madrid, Espasa Calpe.

Platón (1984), Diálogos: Critón. Fedón. Banquete Parménides. Madrid, Edaf.

Platón (1984), Apología de Sócrates, en Obras. Madrid, Edaf.

Platón (1998), Protágoras. Gorgias. Carta séptima. Madrid, Alianza.

Ross, David (1993), Teoría de las ideas de Platón. Madrid, Cátedra.

Robledo, Antonio (1974), Platón: los seis grandes temas de su filosofía. México, FCE.

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