Philosophy and civic life: some reflections
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modos de vida
diversidad cultural
función de la filosofía
enseñanza secundaria Lifestyles
Cultural diversity
Function of philosophy
Secondary education

How to Cite

Arroyo Pomeda, J. (2008). Philosophy and civic life: some reflections. Eikasía Revista De Filosofía, (18), 189–212.


Greece created the philosophy in the polis producing a way of living and becoming center of reference. The present society has modified the ways of life and coexistence, which could transform the function of the philosophy. The contact with the others affects the life of the citizens. Equally, today technology facilitates ours to live in the world and the presence of the cultural diversity in a globalized society raises the question if we can live in a free and right community, which the Greek lit. An example appears to take these ideas to the classroom from philosophy practice.
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