Rural universalism and modernity
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universalismo rural
Miguel de Unamuno
José Ortega y Gasset Rural universalism
Miguel de Unamuno
José Ortega y Gasset

How to Cite

Arroyo Pomeda, J. (2010). Rural universalism and modernity: Unamuno and Ortega: An (im)possible meeting?. Eikasía Revista De Filosofía, (32), 43–77.


The circumstantial character is recognized by Ortega himself for his work that appears in the environment of the ideologues of 1998, at the head of which stands Unamuno. Without the atmosphere of Spain in 1998, Ortega would be a historical impossibility. Only from this framework can the ascending process of his secularization be explained in Ortega from the beginning, which will culminate in his gap with respect to theodicy, his icy theism, as a reaction to reject the Unamuno mysticism and his proud self, which tries to stand out. even about Unamuno himself.
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