Ontological and epistemic connections between energy conservation and value theory in classical economics
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sustancia Energy

How to Cite

Hernández, N. . (2020). Ontological and epistemic connections between energy conservation and value theory in classical economics. Eikasía Revista De Filosofía, (93), 191–237. https://doi.org/10.57027/eikasia.93.408


In this paper, I will explore some ontological and epistemological connections between the underlaying assumptions in the Conservation of Energy in Physics and the Theory of Value in Classical Economics. With this purpose, first, I will reconstruct the process in which conservation of energy was guided by some metaphysical assumptions and some empirical discoveries, from Descartes’ ideas to its rigorous formulation by Helmholtz. Then, I will describe some equivalent assumptions which guide theories of value in Classical Economics, namely, I will outline Smith, Ricardo, and specially Marx’s considerations about the value of a commodity. In this context, I will to highlight some outstanding connections between both developments. Finally, I will to deepen in the interpretation of those connections to endorse an heteronomous perspective of science, conditioned by cultural assumptions of its historical context.

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