Piety (in its secular sense) as the foundation of humanism
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dignidad y justicia Piety
Dignity and justice

How to Cite

Cano Cabildo, S. (2020). Piety (in its secular sense) as the foundation of humanism. Eikasía Revista De Filosofía, (93), 81–101. https://doi.org/10.57027/eikasia.93.403


The secular approach of piety means suffer for others’pain; it does not mean self-piety, nor it is limited to the strictly private or religious sphere. In the affection for the pain and/or humiliation of any human being it is where we can really see that human life has universal value in itself and therefore dignity. From the nuisance of piety, the human being can rebel against injustice and therefore it can be a principle of political action and of a genuine humanism.

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