The Rilke-Heidegger Constellation and the Question about the Origin of Poetry
Portada número 111
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técnica Poetry

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González Fernández, C. (2022). The Rilke-Heidegger Constellation and the Question about the Origin of Poetry. Eikasía Revista De Filosofía, (111), 163–198.


This paper tries to approach the event that takes place in poetic creation through the Rilke’s writing, that describe the poet’s mission, and Heidegger’s philosophy, that tries to reveal the meaning of the Being through the language. Starting from its transitional work between the territory of the inhospitable and the familiar, the way in which poetry appeals to subterranean origins will be presented, as well as the connection it establishes between the individual and the world through intransitive love. It will continue analyzing the process of creation as a leap that takes place in a state of openness, consummated in the poet's transformation of the visible into the invisible, by incorporating reality, and in Rilke's figure of the angel. Finally, it will be described the crisis provoked by the empire of technology that has arisen since modernity, which tries to suppress all possibility of artistic creation through domination, fabrication and transparency.
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