The social privilege and the limits of the right
Versos de "Las geórgicas" de Publio Virgilio Marón inscritos sobre el resto de un ánfora hallada en el yacimiento arqueológico de Noguera (Córdoba)
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capitalismo Insufficiency

How to Cite

García Manzano, E. (2023). The social privilege and the limits of the right. Eikasía Revista De Filosofía, (115), 117–147.


In the first part of the article, an analysis of the constitutional insufficiency of the human being is proposed in the context of Greek philosophy. A critique of the concept of autarchy is presented and the countercultural nature of the philosophical movements of Cynicism, Stoicism and Epicureanism is analyzed. The relative and absolute denial of otherness are equally analyzed. In the second part, the constitutional insufficiency is analyzed from the concept of poverty in the context of the Franciscan order and its renunciation of property. Reference is also made to the arguments of the theologians of the School of Salamanca and finally it is raised to what extent the Franciscan discourse is present today as a revolutionary political discourse. The general objective of the two parts is to present two anomalous moments of our philosophical history and its possible valid countercultural nature for a critique of current capitalism.
pdf (Español (España))


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